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APP/B1605/W/19/3238462 Hitchens appeal - Kidnappers Lane, Leckhampton

Latest information as at 23rd March

Inspector's decision

The appeal is allowed and outline planning permission is granted for Residential development of up to 25 dwellings, associated infrastructure, open space and landscaping, with creation of new vehicular access from Kidnappers Lane, demolition of existing buildings at Land off Kidnappers Lane, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL51 0NP in accordance with the terms of the application, Ref 19/00334/OUT, dated 19 February 2019, and the plans submitted with it, subject to the conditions in the attached schedule.

Latest information as at January 22nd

The inquiry has now concluded and the outcome awaited.

Latest Information as at January 20th.

Please see the round table agenda for 21st January. Please note the full schedule below still stands.

Latest Information as at January 14th.

The inspector has issued the inquiry schedule for January 21st and 22nd.

Any member of the public wanting to speak at the inquiry needs to be there at the start and make a request to speak.

Latest information as at January 6th

For the Attention of the InspectorWithout Prejudice
The Parish Council does not accept that the proposed changes to Kidnappers Lane as part of the school application would significantly undermine its landscape arguments in defence against the Hitchins appeal. Our local Valued Landscape in Lotts Meadow and shortly to be designated Local Green Space will be negatively impacted by this development and the limited landscape screening proposed and the apparent lack of master planning by the site's various owners will ultimately make matters worse. For instance, it has only just come to our notice that an existing landowner and occupant at the site has been unsighted on Hitchens' road access proposals, which appear to remove their existing and long standing historical vehicle access.
However, given CBC's withdrawal from the appeal and our lack of expertise and knowledge of the CBC 5 year housing supply position, we feel that we have no choice but to also withdraw from the appeal. We also have no objections to the Inquiry being turned into a Hearing.
We understand that the Hitchins outline application is just establishing the principle of a residential development on this site. However, we hope that in the Hearing the Inspector will encourage Hitchins to provide adequate landscape screening to protect the views out of Lots Meadow and the views to and from the Leckhampton Hill (issues that were prominent in the last appeal). Meaning early and adequate tree planting to screen roofs as seen from Lotts Meadow and the thickening and raising up of boundary hedgerows. Choice of materials and avoiding any rendering that would stand out is also likely to be important, so that houses blend in naturally with local vegetation and their surroundings. Perhaps these low cost issues could be part of the Statement of Common Ground? Also, it would be greatly appreciated if when Hitchins prepares its full planning application that it involves the Parish Council early in the process please (rather than just as a statutory consultee), to minimise any objections at the full (reserved matters) application.
Chris Nelson
Chairman Leckhampton with Warden Hill Parish Council

Latest information as at December 20th

Please see the Parish Councils submission in the documents section below, which was sent to the inspectorate on 20th December.


The Parish Council has again been given rule 6 status

Cllr Chris Nelson attennded a case conference on Friday 6th December with all relevant parties. See case notes here from that meeting.

The PArish Council was granted rule 6 status again and have until December the 24th to make further representations. Once finailsed this document will be posted here.

The timeline for the appeal is as follows:

Site at: Land off Kidnappers Lane, Leckhampton Cheltenham

Proposed Development: Residential development of up to 25 dwellings, associated infrastructure, open space and landscaping, with creation of new vehicular access from Kidnappers Lane, Demolition of existing buildings

Appellant's Name: Robert Hitchens Ltd

Appeal start date: 22nd October 2019

Planning inspectorate ref: APP/B1065/W/19/3238462

Should you wish to make comments, withdraw, modify or expand earlier previous comments you can do so on the planning portal https://acp.planninginspectorate.gov.uk. If you do not have access to the Internet you can send three copies to The Planning Inspectorate, 3J, Kite Wing, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Bristol, BS1 6PN

Please see below the applicable previous documents from the last appeal to the secretary of state and the new appeal documents

Last updated: Fri, 30 Apr 2021 11:53