Cllr Ian White
Warden Hill Ward
- Telephone
- 01242 513454
Ian has lived in Cheltenham all his life mostly on the south side of the town, having moved to Warden Hill in 2001. He joined the Parish Council in 2018 and is a member of the Communities committee, the Air Pollution committee and the Neighbourhood Planning group.
Ian attended Naunton Park Schools and GLOSCAT when it was a Further and Higher Education college and located in the Park Area of Cheltenham. For the greater part of his working life, he was employed by the Cheltenham based company Spirax Sarco, where he worked in a variety of roles in Research and Development of Electronic Products.
Warden Hill has a real community spirit which is characterised by the flowers planted by volunteers around the shops, the fortnightly Wednesday Social Group operating out of the URC Centre, the many local groups for adults and children (for example St. Christopher's Gardening Club, The Ladies Circle, the Brownies and Cubs.
Ian has always taken an interest in current affairs both locally and nationally.