27th September 2024

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Field in Leckhampton near Moat Cottage

Field in Leckhampton near Moat Cottage

Walking is good for our minds, our bodies and our neighbourhoods. The Parish has a number of footpaths across Warden Hill and Leckhampton, and the green spaces of Weaver's Field, Burrow's Field and the fields up towards Leckhampton Hill.

All of Gloucestershire's footpaths can be viewed here. Click the tick box to use the Open Access version and there is no need to create a username to login.

The Leckhampton Local History Society has published an excellent series of walks around Leckhampton which will guide you around and share something of local history and nature.

Temporary Closures

  • A consequence of the new secondary school is the potential closure of an existing footpath (labelled CHL9). Read more about the Parish Council's position on this issue here.
  • Another footpath (ASH29) has been closed for four years and the closure order has recently been extended for a further two years. The Parish Council is following up on this extension as no alternative route has been provided.

Last updated: Sat, 01 May 2021 16:07