A-Z of Services
Only show council services by Leckhampton & Warden Hill Parish Council.
- Abandoned vehicles (Borough)
- Access to information (Parish)
- Advertising (Parish)
- Alcohol licence (Borough)
- Allotments (Parish)
- Ancient monuments (Parish)
- Animal fouling (Borough)
- Asbestos management (Borough)
- Bin collection (Borough)
- Blocked drains and sewers (Borough)
- Bridleways (Parish)
- Building maintenance (Parish)
- Bulky household waste collection (Borough)
- Burials (Parish)
- Burnt out vehicle (Borough)
- Car parks (Parish)
- CCTV surveillance (Parish)
- Cemeteries (Parish)
- Charities (Parish)
- Citizens Advice (Parish)
- Clinical household waste (Borough)
- Community alarms and telecare (Borough)
- Community centres (Parish)
- Community development (Parish)
- Community transport (Borough)
- Complaints procedure (Borough)
- Conservation areas (Borough)
- Council garages (Borough)
- Council housing (Borough)
- Council housing repairs (Borough)
- Council land and property (Parish)
- Council tax (Borough)
- Council tax benefit (Borough)
- Council tax discount (Borough)
- Country parks (Parish)
- Crime prevention (Parish)
- Dead animal removal (Borough)
- Decision notices (planning) (Borough)
- Defibrillators (Parish)
- Derelict properties (Borough)
- Disabled facilities grant (Borough)
- Dog Fouling (Borough)
- Dog wardens (Borough)
- Drainage (Borough)
- Dumped cars (Borough)
- Dumped rubbish (Borough)
- Electoral register (Borough)
- Emergency plan (Borough)
- Entertainment and events (Parish)
- Fly posting (Borough)
- Flytipping (Borough)
- Footpaths (rights of way) (Parish)
- Fouling animals (Borough)
- Freedom of Information (Parish)
- Garage lettings (Borough)
- Garden waste disposal (Borough)
- Graffiti removal (Borough)
- Grants for voluntary organisations (Borough)
- Hazardous waste collection (Borough)
- Home care support (Borough)
- Homelessness support (Borough)
- Household garden waste (Borough)
- Household waste collection (Borough)
- Housing allocation (Borough)
- Housing benefit (Borough)
- Housing exchanges and transfers (Borough)
- Housing grants (disabled facilities) (Borough)
Sorry, no items for I.
Sorry, no items for J.
Sorry, no items for K.
- Large household waste collection (Borough)
- Liquor licence (Borough)
- Litter removal (Borough)
- Local history (Parish)
- Memorials (Parish)
- Mutual home exchange (Borough)
- Nature reserves (Parish)
- Noise (Borough)
Sorry, no items for O.
- Parish Councillors (Parish)
- Parking (Parish)
- Pest control (Borough)
- Planning (Borough)
- Planning applications (Parish)
- Playgrounds (Parish)
- Premises licence (Borough)
- Public footpaths (Parish)
- Public meetings (Parish)
- Public services (Parish)
Sorry, no items for Q.
- Recycling bags and containers (Borough)
- Registering for a council property (Borough)
- Report Stray Dog (Borough)
- Road cleaning (Borough)
- Road signs (Borough)
- Sports and recreation facilities (Parish)
- Sports grounds (Parish)
- Street furniture (Parish)
- Street name plates (Borough)
- Street parties permission (Borough)
- Syringe disposal (Borough)
- Tree preservation (Borough)
Sorry, no items for U.
- Verge maintenance (Parish)
- Village halls (Parish)
- Voluntary organisation grants (Borough)
- Voting (Borough)
- War memorials (Parish)
- Woodlands (Parish)
Sorry, no items for X.
- Youth services (Parish)
Sorry, no items for Z.
Services provided by Cheltenham Borough Council, Leckhampton & Warden Hill Parish Council.