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Latest information 27th March 2024

The appeal has been allowed and planning permission given

Please see this document for full details

Latest information 19th April 2023

We have received an update from Cheltenham Borough Council to say that the hearing date has been changed to July 4th and the Inspector is Zoe Raygen DipURP MRTPI

Please see the guidance on taking part in a Hearing


A member of the Parish Council will attend the hearing to speak on behalf of the Parish Council

Latest information 8th March 2023

At the Parish Council meeting on 8th March the Council approved the final version of the response to the Miller appeal, which was sent to the Inspectorate on 11th March. Also submitted were the following documents.

Latest information 2nd March 2023

This is the draft response to Miller's appeal for the 350 homes next to the Shurdington Road. It concentrates on our original strong grounds for refusal which were landscape impact (particularly two fields in the foreground which we suggested could be retained as green space) and traffic congestion on the A46. It highlights more recent developments including the A417 decision, Newlands and Kendrick getting planning permission and adding to the overall numbers, our draft Neighbourhood Plan being, which hopefully reinforce these arguments.

Six appendices are mentioned. The first two are our previous submissions see below and the next three are all Neighbourhood Plan work which can still be viewed here and the last is just a location map of the two fields R2 and R3 which is here.

Latest information February 2nd 2023

Miller have submitted an appeal to the Planning Inspectorate. We have received the letter of notification from Cheltenham Borough Council, dated 1st February.

All previous responses will be sent to the Planning Inspectorate.

If anyone wishes to make further comments, or withdraw or expand upon earlier comments then you should write to The Planning Inspectorate, 3/C Eagle Wing, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, Bristol BS16PN within 6 weeks of the appeal date of January 30th. Last date for submission is March 10th

The Parish Council's response will be submitted on March 9th after its approval at the March 8th Parish Council meeting

Latest information 22nd April 2022

At yesterday's Planning Meeting, the Committee voted unanimously to refused this application, largely due to the development not being more carbon-neutral.

The application may now go to appeal, or Miller may address the issues underlying refusal and reapply.

Latest information 21st April 2022

The application is being heard at the CBC planning committee meeting this evening. Please see the Parish Council presentation which will be given by Cllr Mears. HERE

Latest information 24th March 2022

This application was before the CBC planning committee meeting on 24th March but was again deferred.

The onus is now on the applicant to respond to the points raised at the meeting; the application was deferred on three grounds:

  1. The use of gas boilers / climate change
  2. The lack of community facility or off-site contribution
  3. Wording of a highway condition in relation to the MPR junction improvements

Please see here the presentation being made by Cllr Adrian Mears, on behalf of the Parish Council. This was sent to all of the members of the panning committee in advance of the meeting.

Latest information February 9th 2022

CBC planning have confirmed that the application will not be heard at the February 17th CBC planning committee meeting. It is likely to be considered at the March 24th meeting.

Latest information December 17th 2021

The Parish Council have been officially informed that the Miller Homes application, which was due to be discussed at the December 16th CBC planning committee meeting has been pulled. The PC were given no reasoning for this, however the Echo reported that the reason given was:

"We (CBC) feel, as officers, that it would be inappropriate to take all of those items verbally this evening. It would be more appropriate to amend the committee report to provide a little bit more detail on some of the issues that have arisen.

"Therefore the deferral is on the basis to allow us to do a more comprehensive report next time."

The Parish Council have been told the application will be back to a planning Committee meeting in February 2022

Latest information as at 19th November 2021

CBC planning have confirmed that they are still aiming for 16th December planning committee to consider this application.

Another 45 New/Revised Documents were submitted on 19 November 2021

You can still write in with your comments. Please note that any previous comments you have made will stand so CBC are only looking for comments on the revised plans (31st August onwards)

You can write to michelle.payne@cheltenham.gov.uk

Latest information as at 13th October 2021

Supplementary Submission by Leckhampton with Warden Hill Parish Council to CBC as a result of the revised planning application by Miller Homes

Latest information 9th September 2021

Miller Homes revised APPLICATION NO: 20/01788/FUL received from CBC on September 9th

Latest information 13th January 2021

Letter written to Miller homes CEO from CBC Cllrs Max Wilkinson and Victoria Atherstone regarding the climate emergency and new proposed homes in Leckhampton(20/01788/FUL

Latest information 3rd December 2020

The Parish Council has submitted its response to the application, which can be viewed in full via this link.

The Parish Council welcomes the application in terms of providing more housing including 40% affordable housing that is much needed. The Council believes it will be a good development to live in. But in section 2 of the response the Council has had to object to the application on grounds of unacceptable damage to the valued landscape of the Leckhampton Fields. Further, in section 3 we have had to object because the development together with the new secondary school could create severe traffic congestion in the term-time peak morning traffic period unless the proposed improvement to the traffic flow at the A46/Moorend Park Road intersection can be made to work.

The Council believes the development is unlikely to pose any flooding risk to Warden Hill (see section 6 of the response). The Council has also made recommendations on ecology and wildlife protection (see section 5) and on pollution, carbon reduction and providing good foot and cycle access to the new secondary school for pupils in Leckhampton (see section 7).

Section 4 of the response discusses the future of the smallholdings along the public footpath. These smallholdings are part of the special landscape character that contributed to the area being identified as Valued Landscape by the Secretary of State in 2016. We are therefore very concerned to protect the landscape character along both sides of the footpath.

Miller Homes are proposing to convert the smallholdings on the south side of the footpath into a community meadow/orchard together with some small allotments and to retain the existing small apple orchard. This seems to us to have quite a lot of merit for landscape, ecology and public amenity. But we are interested in also preserving the hens/poultry that are part of the character and interest.

On the north side of the footpath Miller Homes are proposing to remove the smallholdings in order to make more room for housing. These smallholdings have a lot of interesting character and charm that certainly makes them part of the valued landscape. We are consulting with the existing tenants on whether these smallholdings are sustainable in the future, perhaps as a mix of smallholdings and public allotments and either at their current width (20 to 30 metres) or reduced in width to maybe 15 metres, enough to preserve the outbuildings. It is of course proposed in all events that the housing to the north of the smallholdings will need to be screened from view from the footpath by means of tall hedging and trees.

We would be very grateful if residents who use the footpath through the smallholdings could give the Parish Council any views they have on the future of the smallholdings, what they value in the smallholdings, and how best to protect their landscape value. Please send any comments you wish to make to: clerk@leckhamptonwithwardenhill-pc.gov.uk or call 07739719079

Miller Homes Planning application 20/01788/FUL for 350 homes on the land at Shurdington Road, Leckhampton. Full planning application for residential development comprising 350 dwellings, open space, cycleways, footpaths, landscaping, access roads and other associated infrastructure.

Documents can be found via the link above and the Parish Council needs to respond by December 3rd, however the PC can, as can the public, respond up until the time that the application goes to committee. Likely to be January or February 2021. We will keep everyone posted.

Last updated: Wed, 13 Mar 2024 11:39