27th September 2024

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Leckhampton Ward Vacancy

As a result of a resignation there is a vacancy for the Leckhampton Ward, which needs to be advertised.

Please see the attached document below

Posted: Fri, 6 Sep 2024

Tags: News

Leckhampton Rovers Football club Family rounders evening at Burrow's Field

Leckhampton Rovers Football club Family rounders evening at Burrow's Field

Family rounders evening 6th September 5pm till 8pm

Rounders, Coffee, Beer and Gin, Pulled meats and music

Do come along and enjoy the fun

Posted: Tue, 27 Aug 2024

Tags: News

NHS Family Festival, Saturday 17th August

NHS Family Festival, Saturday 17th August

NHS Family Festival, Saturday 17th August

Please see the attached invitation to an event on Saturday 17th August at Parklands Community Centre in Oakley. The event is called 'Improving Health, Celebrating Culture' and is a health education event which will have a festival line up of tabletop speakers and organisations across 8 stations to have informal conversations about a variety of health topics... Read More »

Posted: Mon, 12 Aug 2024

Tags: News

Notice of 2 vacancies in the Leckhampton Ward

Two casual vacancies have arisen in the Office of Councillor for the above Parish due to the retirement of Councillor Kit Braunholtz and resignation of Councillor Julia Chandler.

An election to fill the vacancy will be held if within 14 days (not including Saturdays or Sundays) from the date below, ten electors for the Leckhampton Ward of the Parish give notice in writing to the Returning Officer, Cheltenham... Read More »

Posted: Thu, 8 Aug 2024

Tags: News

Parish Council E-Newsletters

Parish Council E-Newsletters

This month, we are pleased to reintroduce our E-newsletters which aim to provide subscribers with news, information and updates on topics of local relevance. If you would like to receive these regular updates about what's happening in your community, please subscribe here:

Leckhampton with Warden Hill Parish Council (list-manage.com)

Posted: Mon, 5 Aug 2024

Tags: News

South Cheltenham History Festival

South Cheltenham History Festival

Celebrating 200 years of local history

Exhibitions, guided walks, heritage talks, slide shows

September 5th 6pm to 8pm

September 6th 10am to 5pm

September 7th 10am to 5pm

All at Bethesda Methodist Church Great Norwood Street

Admission Free

For details and booking see the Heritage Open Days brochure via the link below

Posted: Thu, 25 Jul 2024

Tags: News

In Bloom Warden Hill - Volunteers Needed

In Bloom Warden Hill - Volunteers Needed

Thanks to the work of In Bloom volunteers, the planters in the centre of Warden Hill are yet again providing the area with some lovely summer floral displays. The area is very fortunate to have these displays, helping to make it a better place for us all to live. However, keeping the planters maintained so they can produce such wonderful colour and appeal to the area takes a bit of maintenance on an... Read More »

Posted: Tue, 23 Jul 2024

Tags: News

Resignation of Cllr Kit Braunholtz

Resignation of Cllr Kit Braunholtz

It was with great regret that Cllr Braunholtz gave his resignation at last night's Parish Council meeting (10/7)

Kit has lived in Cheltenham since 1954 and has been a member of the Council for several years. His energy and passion for the community was unwavering. Over the years Kit was

  • the Chairman of the Cheltenham Branch of the Conservation Society for several years in the 1970's.
  • the Co-ordinator... Read More »

Posted: Thu, 11 Jul 2024

Tags: News

Brizen summer holiday activities

Brizen summer holiday activities

Brizen summer holiday sessions 3 times a week for children and teenagers 10 to 17

Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday

9am to 3pm

22nd July to 28th August

at The Brizen Youth Centre, Up Hatherley Way GL514BB

Sign up on line, its free.

Use the QR code on the poster or use the link below to book your spot

Lots of activities, crafts, sports, cooking, painting and more. Lunch is included

Posted: Thu, 11 Jul 2024

Tags: News

Leckhampton and Warden Hill Parish Councillors, “Community Café” on the third Saturday of the month

Leckhampton and Warden Hill Parish Councillors,  “Community Café” on the third Saturday of the month

Do you have any questions or concerns over any local issues?

Anything that your local Parish, Borough or County Councillors might be able to help you with? ……. Yes? …….

Well your Leckhampton and Warden Hill Parish Councillors, continue to host a "Community Café" on the third Saturday of the month. Also attending will be local Borough/County Councillors

Chris, who runs... Read More »

Posted: Thu, 11 Jul 2024

Tags: News

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