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Latest News 6th October 2022

Permission for this development was granted by Cheltenham Borough Council on 29th September 2022.

Latest News 5th May 2022

The Parish Council strongly objects to the application because of the adverse impact on the Valued Landscape of Lotts Meadow in breach of the NPPF requirement that 'development should protect and enhance valued landscapes'. The Council notes that the proposed development would be net zero carbon using heat pumps and solar panels in the same way as application 21/00847/REM, and commends Newland Homes for its pioneering approach on this. Nevertheless, this does not justify setting aside the NPPF requirement. Lotts Meadow is not only a valued landscape but also Local Green Space and its rural character and landscape are very important to residents and other users. The full response can be found here.

The application is for the Residential development of 5no. Zero carbon dwellings with associated access and internal roads, parking, landscaping, and other associated works and infrastructure, following demolition of the existing dwelling known as Charltyne

Last updated: Thu, 23 Mar 2023 16:58