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Latest information 5th August 2022

A copy of the 2017 Order, the draft Variation Order and the consultation plans together with a copy of the Statement of Reasons, may be viewed at The Map Room, Shire Hall, Westgate Street, Gloucester, GL1 2TG, http://www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/tros or https://www.cheltenham.gov.uk/tros.

Please quote reference JB/75750. These documents may also be viewed on the 'News' page of this website.

Any objections or representations in respect of the above should be sent in writing addressed to the Traffic Management Team at TRO Ltd, ADL House, Oaklands Business Park, Armstrong Way, Yate, BS37 5NA or emailed to info@TROltd.co.uk (please quote reference 5227-03) no later than noon on 23rd August 2022.

Any comments that you make concerning this proposal cannot be treated as confidential. For further details about how Gloucestershire County Council deal with your comments and personal details, please go to http://www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/tros.

Latest information 22nd March 2022

The Parish Council was asked to respond to the 'Use Footway/Cycleway Improvements for the New Cheltenham Secondary School' part of the TRO process currently in progress.

Please see the response the Parish Council submitted to GCC here.

Latest information 13th July 2021 from GCC Highways

Unfortunately, we do not feel that we are able to justify any further restrictions at this moment in time. Whilst we appreciate the concerns that residents may have over what may happen in the future – having a large secondary school built near your home is obviously going to raise some issues – it is difficult to know exactly what and where parking issues may arise because the school is not going to be at full capacity for several years after it's initial opening. At the moment we are only trying to second guess what may happen in the future and, for obvious reasons, we do not have any evidence at present to justify any further restrictions.

However, we would of course keep the parking situation under review as the school gradually reaches full capacity and could consider another Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) in the future if there was evidence of on-street parking problems. Residents did raise concerns about missing out on funding for any future TRO, so we are pleased to inform you that we have secured funding for another TRO in this area if one is deemed necessary in the future. This funding is available until 2029.

It is hoped that the current proposals will address the majority of parking issues but it should be remembered that there will be some on-site parking available at the school including I believe a parents "drop off" point. The school has also agreed to promote environmentally friendly travel to the school – i.e. walking and cycling – by formulating a school travel plan. Additionally, as part of the school construction works, existing footways along the A46 will be converted to shared use footways/cycleways, a new footway/cycleway will be constructed along Kidnappers Lane between Farm Lane & Church Road and two new Toucan crossings (joint pedestrian and cyclist crossing) created on the A46. All these measures will create a safer environment for pupils to walk or cycle to the new school.

In light of the above, it is our intention to proceed with the waiting restriction proposals as advertised with a view to monitoring the parking situation and undertaking another TRO in the future if it is considered necessary at that time.

Parish Council response 13th July 2021.

The PC didn't object to this order, it strongly supported it but did ask that if possible some additional restrictions be added.

The PC are disappointed that the additional requests cannot be included at this time however the PC is grateful that this order will go ahead in readiness for the school opening in September 2022.

We are also pleased that you have been able to secure funding for another TRO up to 2029 to take account of any changes needed as a result of monitoring the situation over the time the school takes to reach full capacity.

Latest information 15th June 2021

Please see the Parish Council response to this consultation here.

These proposals aim to control parking near to the new secondary school that is currently under construction and forms part of that scheme. These proposals are currently being publicly advertised until 8th June and more information can be found on the County Council's website (www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/tro ).

Last updated: Fri, 05 Aug 2022 11:33