27th September 2024

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Cheltenham Conservation Area Map

This is the link to the best Conservation Area map.

'Central CA' means Central Conservation Area which is the main one in Cheltenham covering a large part of the centre of town (as opposed to the smaller ones covering Prestbury, bits of C Kings etc.). But that is broken up into 19 smaller character areas shown on this map, including a Bath Road one and a Leckhampton one which extends into the parish and includes all of Moorend and all the way up the Leckhampton Road to Hall Road.

The parish council are asked to review and comment on all planning applications registered with Cheltenham Borough Council (CBC) made in respect of residential property in the parish.

Whilst the parish council is a statutory consultee on all applications inside the parish boundary, the decision-making authority is CBC.

In March 2023 the parish council formed a planning committee, they meet once a month. Agendas are published on the website and can be viewed under in meeting noted in the calendar. The agendas are also posted on notice boards. Anyone can attend the planning committee meetings and can make comments on any application. If you cannot attend and want to comment then please contact any Parish Councillor. or call the Clerk on 07739719079 or email clerk@leckhamptonwithwardenhill-pc.gov.uk

Between February 2023 and June 2019 monthly lists of planning applications were held in separate documents each month and can also be found under meeting papers attached to each meeting on the calendar and also or in documents below. See those historic documents below

Previous to June 2019 the list of applications are detailed on the parish council meeting agenda for each month.

Last updated: Tue, 16 Apr 2024 13:19