27th September 2024

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Search Leckhampton with Warden Hill Parish Council

Latest information 13th January 2022

The order was not confirmed.

The PC is waiting for details of when and how the footpath will be made good and managed once the school is completed.

Latest information 3rd November

Cllr Mears attended the in person inquiry and put forward the Parish council objection.

We now await the inspectors decision

Latest information 26th October

Virtual Case Management Conference notes: 14 October 2021

Covid guidance for those joining the public enquiry in person

Latest information 25th October

Supplementary evidence submitted by Cllr Mears on behalf of the Parish Council

The old roads and tracks of Leckhampton

The manorial estates of Leckhampton

Latest information 19th October

Registration to attend 2nd/3rd November inquiry either in person or virtually

Latest information 27th September

Letter of 27th September from the planning inspectorate of all the statements of case that have been received.
All supporting documents can be viewed on request through the details provided in the Start Notice of Order.

- Applicant Property Services at Gloucestershire CC Statement of Case 22-09-21
- Deane Clerk - (Leckhampton with Warden Hill Parish Council) Statement of Case 24-08-21
- Furley Statement of Case 04-05-21
- Holden (Gloucestershire Ramblers) Statement of Case 20-09-21
- Pollock Statement of Case 21-09-21

Latest information as at 20th September

A public local inquiry will be held as a Blended Inquiry at Brockworth
Community Centre, Court Road, Brockworth, Gloucester, GL3 4ET
on Tuesday 2nd November 2021 at 10.00am.

Cllr Mears will attend to represent the Parish council

Latest information August 24th

The Parish Council response to the 16th Augsut letter from the planning inspectorate

Latest information August 16th

Letter from the plannig inspectorate dated 16th August

GCC statement of reason for the stopping up order

Latest information July 9th.

Cllr Mears will attend an accompanied site visit of September 14th. This visit was cancelled.

Accompanied Site visit letter

Latest information June 16th 2021

Public Footpath CHL 9 Parish of Leckhampton Stopping Up Order 2019 ROW/3249302

Latest information 31st March 2021

This survey is to support the preparatory work being undertaken in the above referenced case. Although the public health restrictions associated with the Coronavirus pandemic vary between regions, we are continuing to process casework. Currently, physical hearings and inquiries (where people travel to and meet in a hearing or inquiry room) are suspended and we are intending to provide additional opportunities for parties to make written submissions and for Orders and applications to be determined based on these written submissions and an unaccompanied site visit (USV). This will be the default method of determination which will be offered to the parties.

Some casework may be conducted on the basis of written representations and a site visit where parties accompany the inspector (ASV). In accordance with current guidelines that meetings should not take place between members of more than six different households, an ASV will not be possible if more than five parties request attendance. Parties are encouraged to work together to determine how their interests can be represented in such circumstances.

In those cases where determination is not considered possible on written exchanges and a site visit, we intend to conduct hearings and inquiries as either virtual events where people participate using landline or mobile telephones or internet connected devices such as smartphones, tablets or computers) or as 'blended' events (where people could either participate face to face with appropriate social distancing or participate virtually via telephone or an internet connected device.

In order to plan ahead, taking account of the current and changing advice in relation to the current public health restrictions and the holding of public gatherings, we are seeking some information to assist in deciding on the most appropriate procedure for future casework. In the interests of fairness to all parties concerned, we would find it helpful if you could provide the following information on the above mentioned case within the next 14 days.

The information collected in the questionnaire is subject to the Planning Inspectorate's privacy policies: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/common-land-guidance-sheet-13-privacy-policy

Please use this form to provide your current contact details. We recognise that you may have provided some of this information before, but many people have adjusted their home and working arrangements in response to the coronavirus pandemic, so this is an important opportunity for you to let us know about any changes to your contact details that might affect your participation.

Please note that we are requesting that all documents are submitted electronically. Contact us via email on Rightsofway2@planninginspectorate.gov. uk or commonlandcasework@planninginspectorate.gov.uk To assist in the processing of submission documents it would be helpful if they can be named and their origin clearly identifiable, for example 'OMA Statement of Case.doc', 'Mrs X photograph list' etc

LATEST INFORMATION 28th February 2020

In light of the number of objections to the Public Path Stopping Up Order under Section 257 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 GCC will be submitting the Order to the Secretary of State for Environment for confirmation. The Secretary of State appoints the Planning Inspectorate to consider the proposals and the objections and their decision will be made in due course. It is likely that a public inquiry will be held and all those who have made a representation will be contacted by the Planning Inspector. Attached is a document, produced by the Planning Inspectorate, entitled "Guidance on procedures for considering objections to DEFINITIVE MAP AND PUBLIC PATH ORDERS in England" which you may find useful.

Older information

The Parish Council has sent a letter to those residents in the Parish who live in Farm Lane and adjacent roads to make sure that you are aware of the proposal. The letter is in the document section below.

The Parish Council believes that the managerial convenience of Balcarras School cannot be sufficient grounds to permit this footpath closure and has consequently submitted a strong objection to this proposal. However it does depend primarily on how strongly local residents feel about this. So if you do object to the closure it is very important to respond by the closing date which is 9th January. You can either write to The Principal Public Rights of Way Officer, Gloucestershire County Council, Shire Hall, Westgate Street, Gloucester GL12TG or email Martine.Tyler3@gloucestershire.gov.uk or use the contact form on the Parish Council website www.leckhamptonwithwardenhill-pc.gov.uk/contact-us.html. We will collate any responses received and send them to GCC.

You can also use this form if you just want to be kept informed of the Parish Council's wider concerns such as the new senior school proposals. GCC has still not responded on the very big issue of how much the school could worsen the morning traffic queues on the A46 and in Church Road.

Notice for the above order was published in the Gloucestershire Echo on Thursday 12th December 2019 and notices posted on site on the same day where they shall remain for 28 days. Representations or objections should be submitted in writing to the Principal Public Rights of Way Officer, Gloucestershire County Council, Shire Hall. Westgate Street, Gloucester, GL1 2TG and should be received by the 9th January 2020.

This application is to stop up the whole length of path CHL 9. Stopping up just the length within the boundaries of the new school site would create a cul-de-sac path extending from path CHL 10 to the school boundary. There are no feasible options to divert the footpath within the boundaries of the school site due to its compact nature. Diverting the footpath offsite on to adjacent land would require the consent of this landowner, which has not been given. There is an alternative parallel path, CHL 8, 170 metres south of footpath CHL 9.

Last updated: Thu, 27 Jan 2022 17:28