27th September 2024

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Who we are & What we do

Leckhampton with Warden Hill Parish Council comprises 18 Councillors who serve for four year term May 2022 to 2026. All Councillors are volunteers and receive no payment whatsoever. We currently have 14 serving Councillors. We have 2 vacancies for Warden Hill that can be filled by co-option, and 2 vacancies for Leckhampton that are being advertised because of the retirement of Cllr. Braunholtz and the resignation of Cllr. Chandler.

We have several Working Groups, a Finance & General Purposes Committee and a Planning Committee, which look at and discuss specific topics in detail and bring back their findings to the full Council. If you would like to join any Working Group then please do contact the Parish Office who will be happy to give advice and assistance.

Meetings - see the diary of meetings for more information.

  • Full Parish Council meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of every month. There is no meeting in August.
  • An Annual meeting of the Parish Council (AGM) is held every May, when officials positions, such as the Chair and Vice Chair, of the the Parish Council, are re elected for the following 12 months.
  • The Annual Parish Meeting (APM) is not a Parish Council meeting, it is a meeting of residents of the Parish. It is held in April.

Please see the document here, which explains the differences.

For further information relating to the services offered by the Parish Council please contact the Parish Office who will be happy to give advice and assistance.

The Role of the Chair

The Role of the Council and the Clerk


Committees and Working Groups

Our Staff

Arlene Deane

Arlene Deane

Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer

Hampton House, Shurdington Road, Cheltenham, GL53 0NH
07739 719079

We have a Clerk, Arlene Deane, who works with the Councillors to deliver the range of services we provide.

Arlene became Clerk in January 2018.

Prior to this she was working in the financial service sector for most of her working life, as a project/programme manager, dealing with IT and strategic initiatives both in the UK and abroad.

Arlene is a member of a number of community based groups and is an advocate of improving the environment for future generations.

Arlene can be contacted through our office by phone, email or letter- office hours are Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.

Kim Riley

Kim Riley

Assistant Clerk

Kim joined the Parish Council in May 2022. Prior to this, she had taken a few years break from almost 40 years' service in the public sector as a Human Resources professional. Her career started with a local authority in her home county of Lancashire before she relocated to Cheltenham in 1986 to work for the Borough Council. From there, she moved on to a long and fulfilling management career with Gloucestershire Constabulary where she was responsible for the delivery of a diverse and challenging range of HR services throughout the organisation for almost 30 years.

She has lived on the edge of the Parish since moving to Cheltenham, during which time she has established strong family and friend connections and developed a great affection for the area. She aims to use her extensive skills and experience to both support the Clerk and the Parish Council and benefit the residents and communities of Leckhampton and Warden Hill.

Complaints Procedure

If you wish to make a complaint about the Council, or a Councillor or member of Council staff, please contact the Parish Office either via clerk@leckhamptonwithwardenhill-pc.gov.uk or chair@leckhamptonwithwardenhill-pc.gov.uk in the first instance. Click the link for a copy of our Complaints Procedure.

Members Code of Conduct

This code of conduct (The Code) is adopted in response to the requirement under S.27(2)Localism Act (2011) for the Authority to promote and maintain high standards of conduct by members of the Council. Members have a duty to uphold the law and to act on all occasions in accordance with the public trust placed in them.

Leckhampton with Warden Hill Code of Conduct

Standing Orders

Standing orders are the written rules of Leckhampton with Warden Hill Parish Council. They are essential to regulate the proceedings of its meetings and to confirm or refer to various internal organisational and administrative arrangements. They are not the same as the policies of the Parish Council, although they may refer to them.

The Parish Council's Standing Orders, approved at the Parish Council meeting on 12th April 2023, can be viewed below. They are based on the National Association of Local Councils (NALC) model standing orders and incorporate and reference many statutory requirements to which it is subject. It is not possible for them to contain or reference all the statutory or legal requirements which apply to the Parish Council. For example, it is not practical for them to document all obligations under Data Protection legislation. The statutory requirements to which the Parish Council is subject apply whether or not they are incorporated in its standing orders.

The standing orders do not include financial regulations. Financial regulations are standing orders to regulate and control the financial affairs and accounting procedures of the Parish Council. The financial regulations of the Parish Council, as opposed to its standing orders, include most of the requirements relevant to the Parish Council's Responsible Financial Officer.

Standing orders that are in bold type contain legal and statutory requirements and cannot be removed or amended without changing them or their meaning.

Unless the context suggests otherwise, the use of the word "councillor" in these standing orders includes a non-councillor with or without voting rights.

These standing orders apply to the Full Council, Finance & General Purposes Committee and Planning Committee of the Parish Council. They do not apply to the various Working Groups of the Parish Council. Working Groups are responsible for progressing specific areas of work and projects, and for submitting plans, recommendations and proposals to the full PC for consideration and approval. They are normally made up of a small number of Councillors, one of whom acts as the 'lead' for the group, and whilst their meetings are not open to the public, their membership can include other individuals, e.g. residents, who can add real value to their work through their own skills, experience or interest. Working Groups have no delegated authority and are not empowered to make decisions or commit to expenditure on behalf of the PC. All such decisions and any associated expenditure must be authorised by the full PC.

Last updated: Fri, 09 Aug 2024 16:51