27th September 2024

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Finance Committee

  • Cllr. Phil Bennett (WH) (Chair)
  • Cllr. Chan Mistry (L) (Vice-Chair)
  • Cllr. Ro Baillie (L)
  • Cllr. Martin Horwood* (L)
  • Cllr. Emma Nelson (L) this is temporary until Cllr J White returns
  • Arlene Deane (RFO & Clerk)

*Also a Borough Councillor

Planning Committee (this committee has delegated authority to make decisions)

  • Cllr Martin Hutchings (WH) (Chair)
  • Cllr Phil Bennett (WH) (Vice-Chair)
  • Cllr Stephen Cooke (L)
  • Cllr Ro Baillie (L)
  • Cllr Jacqui Newport-Black (L)

Planning Committee Terms of Reference

Planning Committee Meetings

Members of the public are very welcome to attend Parish Council Planning meetings, but will be subject to the following procedures.

· During the public session the Chair will ask those present which, if any, applications they are particularly interested in. The Chair may then rearrange the Agenda to first discuss those applications.

· The Chair will start the discussion by inviting members of the public to voice their objections or support, on planning grounds, to the Committee.

· At the discretion of the Chair, members of the public will be allowed to talk for a maximum of 10 minutes.

· If there are several members of the public wishing to speak, the Chair may request that a member of the public spokesperson is nominated, in order that all opinions may be heard in a timely manner.

· During the public's comments, the Committee members may ask questions or seek clarification

· After the allocated time for the members of the public to speak, the Committee will then debate the
applications. During this time the members of the public must not intervene or interrupt the Committee's discussion. This will be enforced by the Chair if required and may result in members of the public being asked to leave if they persist.

· After the Committee's debate on each application, the Committee will vote to either object, support or comment only on the application. The Chair will have the casting vote on any application if the Committee's vote is tied.

· It should be noted that the Parish Council is a Statutory Consultee, but that the final planning
decision is the responsibility of Cheltenham Borough Council (CBC). Members of the public can also
attend CBC's Planning Committee meetings, where only one member of the public may speak for and against each application.

Neighbourhood Plan Working Group

  • Cllr. Martin Horwood* (Lead)
  • Cllr. Ian White
  • Cllr. Phil Bennett
  • Cllr. Jo Halsall
  • Cllr. Martin Hutchings

*Also a Borough Councillor

Warden Hill Community Working Group

  • Cllr. Ian White (Lead)
  • Cllr. Anne Regan
  • Cllr. Phil Bennett
  • Cllr. Tony Oliver
  • Cllr. Martin Hutchings

Highways and Traffic Monitoring Working Group

  • Cllr. Emma Nelson (Lead)
  • Cllr. Stephen Cooke
  • Cllr. Anne Regan
  • Cllr. Martin Horwood
  • Cllr. Jacqui Newport-Black
  • David Pritchett (GCC Highways)
  • Hannah Bacon (GCC Highways)
  • Mr Shaun Hanrahan (resident member)

Environment Working Group (includes Air Polution)

  • Will be decided at the June meeting (L) Lead
  • Cllr. Chan Mistry (L)
  • Cllr. Martin Horwood (L)
  • Cllr. Phil Bennett (WH)
  • Cllr. Jo Halsall
  • Mr Brian Kiely (resident member)
  • Mr Peter Frings (monitors the diffusion tubes and provides monthly data report and the annual report)

Leckhampton Community Working Group

  • Cllr. Chan Mistry (Lead)
  • Cllr. Martin Horwood
  • Cllr. Ro Baillie
  • Cllr. Stephen Cooke
  • Cllr. Roger Fox
  • Cllr. Jo Halsall
  • Cllr. Jacqui Newport-Black
  • Cllr. Emma Nelson

Flood Defence Group

  • Cllr. Ian White (WH) (Lead and Flood Warden)
  • Cllr. Anne Regan (WH)
  • Cllr. Roger Fox (L)

Snow Wardens

  • Cllr. Jonathan White (L)
  • Cllr. Chan Mistry (L)
  • Cllr. Phil Bennett (WH)
  • Cllr. Anne Regan (WH)

Police Liaison

  • Cllr. Tony Oliver for both wards

A417 Missing Link Liaison

  • Cllr. Roger Fox

Brizen Trustees

  • Cllr. Anne Regan
  • Cllr. Martin Hutchings

Last updated: Fri, 09 Aug 2024 16:52